🐔 Why did the chicken cross the road? To spark powerful conversations! The new competition version of Chicken. Road. is a compelling, issue-based play that creates space for meaningful discussions. A perfect choice for your next one-act festival. Click to learn more!

Theatrefolk - The Drama Teacher Resource Company

Kerry Hishon

Kerry is an actor, director, stage combatant, and playwright living in London, Ontario, Canada. She has been directing shows for the Original Kids Theatre Company since 2010 including Disney’s Descendants: The Musical, She Kills Monsters: Virtual Realms, Rock of Ages: High School Edition, Heathers: High School Edition, Peter and the Starcatcher, Tarzan, The Wedding Singer, and many more.

She was the lead instructor for OKTC's T.A.G. (The Actor Grows) Program for five years, teaching the basics of theatre to over 60 new company members each year. Kerry is a member of Art of Combat and has trained in stage combat in London Ontario (Shrew'd Business) and New York City (AoC) since 2010.

Kerry is the primary blogger for Theatrefolk specializing in posts on Rehearsal procedures. She is also a Drama Teacher Academy  Instructor with her course Theatre Etiquette 101.

Resources by Kerry Hishon

Active Citizenship in the Drama Classroom

by Kerry Hishon

Global citizenship focuses on the world as a whole and our place within it. With Active Citizenship in the Drama Classroom you can encourage students to take ownership of their voices and make positive changes for the future.

Audition Toolkit

by Lindsay Price, Craig Mason, and Kerry Hishon

Teach students to present their best selves in an audition situation with The Audition Toolkit - complete with articles, exercises, tips and more for both teachers and students.

The Distance Learning Resource

by Kerry Hishon

Warm-ups, exercises, and articles specific to teaching in a virtual environment.

The Drama Classroom Companion

by Lindsay Price & Kerry Hishon

The Drama Classroom Companion is filled with articles and exercises to build the skills needed for theatrical performance as well as real world skills like creative thinking, critical thinking, collaboration, and communication.

The Drama Classroom Companion Volume 2

by Kerry Hishon

More articles, exercises, reflections and rubrics that focus on reaching the 21st century teen using 21st century skills.

The Rehearsal Companion

by Kerry Hishon

You’ve chosen the play, paid the royalties, done the script analysis, held your auditions, and cast the show. Tomorrow is the first rehearsal. Are you ready? Really ready? The Rehearsal Companion can help!

Self-Management in the Drama Classroom

by Kerry Hishon & Lindsay Price

Self-Management in the Drama Classroom offers a variety of ways to frame self-management with drama-classroom-specific articles, exercises, and an entire Self-Management Playwriting Unit where the focus is not on the final product but the demonstration of self-management skills along the way.

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Theatrefolk - The Drama Teacher Resource Company
Theatrefolk is the Drama Teacher Resource Company. We are your one stop shop for Plays, Resources, and Curriculum Support - all specifically designed for High School and Middle School drama teachers.
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