Theatrefolk - The Drama Teacher Resource Company

Award-Winning One-Act Comedy: No Horse Town

For the young men of Heywood, crossing the street is as dangerous as going off to war. In the highly stylized comedy, No Horse Town, by Lindsay Price, the small town of Heywood is a special place where everyone knows everyone.

In Heywood, when a guy wants to prove he’s a man, he goes to the edge of town. For there’s something at the edge of town that can’t be found in Heywood: A street. Heywood is a no car, no horse, no street town. And for the young men of Heywood, crossing the street is as daring and as dangerous as it gets…

Under the direction of Jana Beck , the accomplished group of performers at Abilene Christian School were able to successfully live on the edge (of town!) and put on an award-winning performance at the Texas Christian Schools one-act competition.

No Horse Town received a superior rating at the Texas Christian Schools one act competition. Seven schools competed with 71 performers total. Our Becca June and Jimmy both received honorable mention medals AND…. our Eugene received BEST ACTOR of the whole competition!!!

The play was received with great joy by the audience. Then we got to do an encore performance for the entire school 3 years old to 12th grade. All ages adored it. I’ve never had such a crowd pleasing one act in all of my 20 plus years. 

Congratulations to the entire cast of the Abilene Christian School production!

Get a copy of the play No Horse Town.

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Products referenced in this post: No Horse Town

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