Theatrefolk - The Drama Teacher Resource Company

A Classroom Skills Reflection for Drama Teachers

We’re always asking students to reflect. It’s almost like a knee-jerk reaction. Reflect on that exercise! Reflect on group work! Reflect on the unit! Here’s a rubric just for reflections!

But how often do you reflect?

How often do you give serious thought to what you do in the classroom, what skills do you implement on a regular basis, and what areas would you like to change? The answer is that teachers, especially drama teachers, have little to no time for anything extra. The day is full enough as it is! But as the years go by, there’s always going to be some things that work well with some students but not other students. The more you’re aware of your skills and strategies, the easier it will be when you have to adapt them.

Summer may not be the time when you want to think deeply about your classroom, but the school year is right around the corner. And before you know it, you’ll be back in the trenches implementing the same procedures with the same level of success. If that’s worked for you, great! You’re awesome and you should be rewarded. A well-run classroom is a work of art.

But what if things aren’t working as smoothly as you’d like? What kind of questions should you ask yourself? We’ve put together a Free Classroom Skills Reflection for Teachers. You can download the PDF below. There are 25 questions for you to think on, ponder, and (of course) reflect over. Do it by the pool with a cold drink in your hand. It is summer after all.

Here are some of the questions:

1. What makes a good teacher?
2. What five words come to mind when you think of a successful classroom?
3. How do you establish expectation?
4. What changes (if any) do you want to make in how you establish expectation?
5. How often do you use modeling in the classroom?
6. What is your classroom management strategy?
7. What (if any) changes do you want to make to this strategy?
8. What are you learning or want to learn?

Click here for the Free Classroom Skills Reflection for Teachers.
Download For Free

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