Theatrefolk - The Drama Teacher Resource Company

Expect the Unexpected: The Bottom of the Lake

If you’re looking for a high school or middle school play with a little bit of everything, look no further! The Bottom of the Lake by Steven Stack is an amazing combination of ghost stories, urban legends, teen issues, romance, absurd comedy, and film noir, all in a single play. What more could you need?

Recently Lezli McKellar and her talented student performers at Collins Riverside Middle School in Northport, AL explored this one-act dramedy and brought all of the play’s mysteries to life.

My drama kids absolutely LOVED performing The Bottom of the Lake for our community. It was a huge success and I couldn’t be prouder of these kids (and myself-the director).

Our production was amazing. We went all out with light, sound effects, and amazing props. And what is so cool, is that we did this with a limited budget and a 1950’s stage that isn’t really big enough for theater productions, but we made it work!! My cast was super talented! I was blown away and we couldn’t have done it without an AMAZING script!

I love using your company. You really “get” the middle school age kids and give a wide variety of scripts, your prices are reasonable for us struggling school districts, and your stage directions/notes/scripts are very easy to follow.

Amazing job, Collins Riverside Middle School!

Get a copy of the play The Bottom of the Lake.

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Products referenced in this post: The Bottom of the Lake

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