🐔 Why did the chicken cross the road? To spark powerful conversations! The new competition version of Chicken. Road. is a compelling, issue-based play that creates space for meaningful discussions. A perfect choice for your next one-act festival. Click to learn more!

Theatrefolk - The Drama Teacher Resource Company

Happy International Women’s Day!

March 8th is International Women’s Day – and what better time to highlight some amazing women within the Theatrefolk community. Join us in celebrating these phenomenal playwrights and authors and their incredible contributions to the world of student theatre. Plus, keep reading to see our Top 10 Plays for Female Casts at the end of the post!

Rachel Atkins

Treanor Baring

Shirley Barrie

Holly Beardsley

Krista Boehnert

Claire Broome

Lee Cataluna

Amanda Murray Cutalo

Sylvia Davenport-Veith

Kathleen Donnelly

Allison Green

Janice Harris

Julie Hartley  (RESOURCES)

Kerry Hishon  (RESOURCES)

Kate Kilpatrick

Karen Loftus (RESOURCES)

Lea Marshall

Wendy-Marie Martin

Mrs. Evelyn Merritt

Dara Murphy

Colleen Neuman

Lindsay Price

Johanna Skoreyko

Taryn Temple

Judith White

Allison Williams

Sholeh Wolpé

Products referenced in this post: Hamlette, Mmmbeth, Carrying the Calf, Puzzle Pieces, The Plucky Pie Murder, Hansel and Gretel, Have You Heard?, Drop Dead, Juliet!, Malled: Two One Act Plays for Young Women, Camel Dung and Cloves, Upon A Sea of Dreams: A Journey on the Titanic, Prom Night, Anonymous, Christmas in July: Two Holiday One Act Plays, Letters, The Pied Piper of Hamelin, Seasonal Skits and Performance Poems For K-3, Mmmbeth: Competition Length Version, The Scarlet Heart, Magic Fairy in the Microwave, Strawberries in Winter, A Kidnapped Santa Claus, Nice Girl, Myth-o-logues, Ariadne's Thread, The Adventures of Theseus and the Minotaur, Postcards from Shakespeare, The Pauper Princess, They Eat Sunshine, Not Zebras, The Snow Queen, Almost History: that whole space time continuum thing, Typecast, The Redemption of Gertie Greene, Dead Men Don't Do Radio Plays, Pandora's Fire, Frankenstein vs the Horrendous Goo, Frankenstein vs the Horrendous Goo: Competition Version, Breathless, The Drama Classroom Companion, Baalzebub, Baalzebub - One Act Version, The Super Non-Heroes, The Battle of Image vs Girl, Audition Toolkit, Same Room, Different Story, Same Room, Different Story - One Act Version, The Production Publicity Toolkit, Teen Plays for Inclusive Classrooms, Practical Approaches to Shakespeare in the Drama Classroom, The Rehearsal Companion, Active Citizenship in the Drama Classroom, Shakespeare's Bachelorette, The Drama Classroom Companion Volume 2, Adapt Now: Adapting Drama Classroom Materials to Different Distance Environments, No See Scenes, Jane Austen, Completely Zoomed, Home of the Brave, Let Me In, The Distance Learning Resource, Virtual Platform, A Recipe of Me, Grim and Gruesome Grimm, Self-Management in the Drama Classroom, and Two Thousand Prompts for Drama Class

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