Theatrefolk - The Drama Teacher Resource Company

New Plays for the New Year!

Celebrate the new year with new plays!

Over the past few months we’ve added some new scripts to the Tfolk catalogue. So if you’re looking for some new and exciting material to bring to your students, you’ll definitely want to keep reading.

Explore themes of anxiety, empathy, expectations and surviving the teenage years – material your students can really understand and sink their teeth into.

Click the links to read free sample pages from each play. Explore, Engage, and Enjoy!

Anxiety is Orange is a vignette play that plays with colour. Does Orange give you Anxiety?

Join the characters in this vignette play as they navigate the world, each other, and the greens, greys, blues, reds, pinks, yellows, and oranges around them.

Sometimes it’s easy to see the world as your own personal sinking ship. In our new middle school play Boat characters learn that we’re all in the same boat and always have been.

Who will learn to paddle together? Who will spin in circles? Who will realize we’re all in the same boat and we always have been?

We all wear a mask. Some hide for good reasons. Some for self preservation. Even when you’re ready to take off your mask, it’s a hard thing to do. What mask do you wear? What will happen when the world sees who you really are?

These are the questions asked in the high school dramedy We Are Masks.

Shreds and Patches is a re-imagining of Shakespeare’s Hamlet. The play fuses Shakespearean speech with modern dialogue, demonstrating perfectly how teens and adults speak completely different languages!

See Shakespeare in a whole new light with this excellent easy-to-stage competition piece.

The Perils of Modern Education are many! The stresses and struggles of making it through the school day are too numerous to mention and it’s important to be able to laugh at them.

A comedic romp through the stresses and struggles of making it through the school day. Gender flexible casting, doubling possibilities, and easy to stage.

Surviving your teenage years is difficult enough. But in St. Claire, where teens continually violate the rules of Horror Movie 101, it’s practically impossible.

This collection of haunting, horrifying, harrowing AND humorous scenes will keep you laughing as you keep your eyes covered.

Want to learn more about these plays or the rest of our Theatrefolk catalogue? Click here!

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