Theatrefolk - The Drama Teacher Resource Company

Playwright Spotlight: Get to Know Jeffrey Harr

Welcome to "Playwright Spotlight" — your exclusive backstage pass to the creative minds crafting the incredible plays featured in our Theatrefolk catalogue. Discover the magic, quirks, and genius of the playwrights who help bring the stage to life. Let's meet one of these exceptional playwrights who offers the chance for your student performers to shine in their spotlight.

What inspired you to start writing plays specifically for high school & middle school students?

Adult plays are so stuffy, overblown, dramatic. Kids have a better sense of humor and it's a time in everyone's lives when there are endless possibilities.

Can you share a bit about your creative process when developing plays that resonate with students?

As a teacher, I'm surrounded by kids most of the year, so I try to pay attention to what they care about, the things that make them mad, happy, laugh, cry. Nine times out of ten, it starts with a scenario: What will happen if we put these particular teens together? What issues matter to them? How will they deal with them?

Are there any challenges you face when writing for student performers, and how do you overcome them?

Sometimes, issues are difficult to talk about, and not everyone wants to put them on stage. But the truth is that we need to be honest. The issues kids are dealing with are real, and without portraying them honestly, we are lying about how important they are. Of course, you try to write about them sensitively, but they can't be avoided. A lot of times, I try to come at the serious stuff with humor--just like in real life. Sorta softens the blow.

What themes or messages do you aim to convey through your plays?

Everyone is on their own journey, and it's totally okay if yours isn't the same as everyone else's. There's community in difference.

How do you balance education and fun in your scripts?

You can't get the education without the fun, I think. It gets you there. It's a spoonful of sugar to make the medicine go down. Hopefully, you see the show and laugh, but leave with something to think about.

Can you share a memorable experience or feedback from a student performance that left an impact on you?

A director once remarked that my show was super accessible to the kids and easy for them to self-direct, which I thought was so cool. Student ownership over the process is critical, and if my shows make it easy for kids to take an active role in how they're going to run, that's a win.

Any advice for teachers or directors looking to choose engaging and age-appropriate plays for their student performers?

Look for entertaining scripts that kids can have fun performing--roles with substance, even if they're silly. Roles with emotion. Nuance. They can do it.

What is your favourite play you've written so far?

Better Than the Movie. First date that goes horribly wrong but ends so right. Perfect.

Anything else you'd like students and/or directors to know about you as a playwright?

I would love to play almost all of my characters. I can hear them in my head. They're fun to play. Over the top. I worked in theatre at my high school for 15 years, and it was the best time ever.

Products referenced in this post: Better Than The Movie

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