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Theatrefolk - The Drama Teacher Resource Company

Playwright Spotlight: Get to Know Laramie Dean

Welcome to "Playwright Spotlight" — your exclusive backstage pass to the creative minds crafting the incredible plays featured in our Theatrefolk catalogue. Discover the magic, quirks, and genius of the playwrights who help bring the stage to life. Let's meet one of these exceptional playwrights who offers the chance for your student performers to shine in their spotlight.

What inspired you to start writing plays specifically for high school & middle school students?

I teach high school theatre, and I found that they enjoyed the spooky, the fantastical, the whimsical -- all the things I enjoy writing about.

Can you share a bit about your creative process when developing plays that resonate with students?

I pay attention to what amuses them, what kind of material they enjoy playing, so I build off that. Sometimes I'll ask them what they think of an idea or I have or if they're interested in a particular project.

Are there any challenges you face when writing for student performers, and how do you overcome them?

Usually it's words or references they don't recognize. Sometimes I simply cut the confusing word or offeding phrases.

What themes or messages do you aim to convey through your plays?

Good triumphs over evil; kindness prevails. Love is love.

How do you balance education and fun in your scripts?

Most of my plays are adapations of classic literature, so the educational aspects are pretty much built in.

Can you share a memorable experience or feedback from a student performance that left an impact on you?

While working on the adaptation of Little Women that became Finding Jo March, I relied heavily on dramaturgical advice from the lead, Elio House, who was themselves a non-binary person. Their input was invaluable to me while crafting the character of Jo.

Any advice for teachers or directors looking to choose engaging and age-appropriate plays for their student performers?

Trust your students. They're savvier than you might expect.

What is your favourite play you've written so far?

Dracula! Dracula is my evil bebe.

Anything else you'd like students and/or directors to know about you as a playwright?

I have a great time when writing (I'm a helpless addict); I'm excellent with time management, thank god, because I teach and direct and have a social life and still manage to maintain my writing routine. Feel free to reach out to me - I'd love to hear from you!

Products referenced in this post: Dracula and Finding Jo March

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