🐔 Why did the chicken cross the road? To spark powerful conversations! The new competition version of Chicken. Road. is a compelling, issue-based play that creates space for meaningful discussions. A perfect choice for your next one-act festival. Click to learn more!
You’ve chosen the play, paid the royalties, done the script analysis, held your auditions, and cast the show. Tomorrow is the first rehearsal. Are you ready? Really ready? The Rehearsal Companion can help!
Will you be ready if an actor drops out? Will you be ready for the mid-rehearsal blues? Will you be ready to have your tech week run as smoothly as possible? Will
you be ready with a comprehensive strike checklist? You CAN be ready for all these rehearsal situations and more.
The Rehearsal Companion is a comprehensive e-book that will be your guide through problem-solving, getting organized, choosing the best warm-up for your play, giving notes, and keeping track of production goals.
There’s more to think about than blocking and learning lines – be the director who’s ready for anything!
Learn more and order The Rehearsal Companion today!
by Lindsay Price & Kerry Hishon
The Drama Classroom Companion is filled with articles and exercises to build the skills needed for theatrical performance as well as real world skills like creative thinking, critical thinking, collaboration, and communication.
by Kerry Hishon
You’ve chosen the play, paid the royalties, done the script analysis, held your auditions, and cast the show. Tomorrow is the first rehearsal. Are you ready? Really ready? The Rehearsal Companion can help!