Theatrefolk - The Drama Teacher Resource Company

Spanish Plays and Translations

Are you looking for plays for your Spanish students? These plays are available for productions or classwork and all have relatable and relevant themes, with modest technical requirements. Perfect for student performers!

La Caja, a Spanish translation of the middle school vignette play Box.

Sometimes we choose the way the world sees us. Black box – indestructible. Jewelry box – plain on the outside, shiny on the inside. Sometimes our box is defined by others – our parents, our friends, our enemies. A box built by others can feel small, confined, impossible.

How do we handle the boxes imposed upon us because of our gender? Our race? From peer pressure? From parent pressure? Do we have to live with our box for the rest of our lives? Can we change?

Learn more and read free sample pages of La Caja (Spanish translation of Box)

Mírame en los Ojos, a Spanish translation of Look Me in the Eye.

Teenagers in the future are obedient, polite, and respectful. This is due in large part to the government-required “Observation Sessions.” But there is a dark underside to this utopian vision.

After learning her brother is scheduled to be “observed,” one of the most obedient students starts to question the system. She must decide whether to remain obedient or speak out and face the consequences.

Learn more and read free sample pages of Mírame en los Ojos (Spanish translation of Look Me in the Eye)

La Ansiedad Es Naranja, a Spanish translation of the vignette play Anxiety is Orange.

Colours can be symbolic. Red is fiery. Purple is royal. Blue is calming. Sometimes, colours can take on too much meaning. I can’t date you – you wear wenge! He sent yellow flowers! Orange gives my brother anxiety!

Join the characters in this vignette play as they navigate the world, each other, and the greens, greys, blues, reds, pinks, yellows, and oranges around them. Does orange make you anxious?

Learn more and read free sample pages of La Ansiedad es Naranja (Spanish translation of Anxiety is Orange)

Circo del Olimpo, a Spanish translation of Circus Olympus.

The circus has come to town! Well… sort of. There's no elephant on a bicycle but there are the Greek Geeks and have they got a story or two to tell. More specifically, a myth or two: Pandora's Box, Persephone and the Underworld, King Midas, Athena and Arachne, and don't forget the Mythapalooza Slam Jam!

A gleeful celebration with excellent large cast expansion and parts for all abilities. Circus elements are optional and are suggested for each myth.

THREE different lengths are included: Two Acts, One Act, or a 20 minute Competition Piece.

Learn more and read free sample pages of Circo del Olimpo (Spanish translation of Circus Olympus)

Not Going Anywhere by Emma Fonseca Halverson

The Mexican family of Ale, Miguel, Mami and Papá are struggling to get by while ICE attempts to tear them apart.

Miguel wants nothing more than to not go anywhere, whereas Ale is desperate to leave and pursue theatre. This works out while Miguel works and helps out at home, and Ale goes to class and rehearsals, but when Miguel isn’t there anymore, Ale must choose between her future and her family.

Learn more and read free sample pages of Not Going Anywhere

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