Theatrefolk - The Drama Teacher Resource Company

The Drama Teacher Learning Centre

High School Plays

The Power of the Pause: betweenity
The Power of the Pause: betweenity
Contemporary Comedy With a Heart: Moving
Contemporary Comedy With a Heart: Moving
Telling a Story Without Words: Emotional Baggage
Telling a Story Without Words: Emotional Baggage
Surviving Sixteen: Sixteen in 10 Minutes or Less
Surviving Sixteen: Sixteen in 10 Minutes or Less
A One-Act Movement-Based High School Drama: Backspace
A One-Act Movement-Based High School Drama: Backspace
A Futuristic One-Act Drama: Look Me in the Eye
A Futuristic One-Act Drama: Look Me in the Eye
A Strong Character Comedy: Smarty Pants
A Strong Character Comedy: Smarty Pants
Theatrefolk Featured Play: The Blue and the Grey by RS Paulette
Theatrefolk Featured Play: The Blue and the Grey by RS Paulette
A Light Look at the Dark Side: A Lighter Shade of Noir
A Light Look at the Dark Side: A Lighter Shade of Noir
Current Communication Comedy: ths phne 2.0 the next generation
Current Communication Comedy: ths phne 2.0 the next generation
Making Grammar a Laughing Matter: Apostrophe’s
Making Grammar a Laughing Matter: Apostrophe’s
Exploring Teen Issues Through Comedy and Drama: Puzzle Pieces
Exploring Teen Issues Through Comedy and Drama: Puzzle Pieces
A Bittersweet Collection of Characters: Sixteen in 10 Minutes or Less
A Bittersweet Collection of Characters: Sixteen in 10 Minutes or Less
Spread the Love: The Bright Blue Mailbox Suicide Note by Lindsay Price
Spread the Love: The Bright Blue Mailbox Suicide Note by Lindsay Price
Spread the Love: This Phone Will Explode at the Tone by Lindsay Price
Spread the Love: This Phone Will Explode at the Tone by Lindsay Price
Spread the Love: The Haunting of Chip Lake Lodge by J. Robert Wilkins
Spread the Love: The Haunting of Chip Lake Lodge by J. Robert Wilkins
Spread the Love: Drum Taps – adapted by Lindsay Price from Leaves of Grass by Walt Whitman
Spread the Love: Drum Taps – adapted by Lindsay Price from Leaves of Grass by Walt Whitman
Spread the Love: The Legend of Sleepy Hollow – adapted by Lindsay Price from Washington Irving
Spread the Love: The Legend of Sleepy Hollow – adapted by Lindsay Price from Washington Irving
Spread the Love: The Plucky Pie Murder by Dara Murphy
Spread the Love: The Plucky Pie Murder by Dara Murphy
Spread the Love: A Box of Puppies by Billy Houck
Spread the Love: A Box of Puppies by Billy Houck

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Theatrefolk - The Drama Teacher Resource Company
Theatrefolk is the Drama Teacher Resource Company. We are your one stop shop for Plays, Resources, and Curriculum Support - all specifically designed for High School and Middle School drama teachers.
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