A One-Act Movement-Based High School Drama: Backspace
A Comedic Adventure on the High Seas: The Dread Pirate Sadie
A Classical Comedy Shakespeare-Style: Mmmbeth
A Futuristic One-Act Drama: Look Me in the Eye
Casting Challenge: Not Enough Actors!
A Theatrical Classic-Lit Challenge: Shuddersome: Tales of Poe
A Strong Character Comedy: Smarty Pants
A Light Look at the Dark Side: A Lighter Shade of Noir
Current Communication Comedy: ths phne 2.0 the next generation
Staging Your Show: “Same Show, Different Stages” Exercise
Choosing Your Artistic Team
A Character Study Comedy: Beauty and the Bee
What Makes the Best Assistants?
The Green Grass Grows: They Eat Sunshine, Not Zebras
Getting Organized: Create a Personnel File
Taking on the Producer's Role: Elevator Pitch
Exploring Teen Issues Through Comedy and Drama: Puzzle Pieces
10 Ways to Publicize Your Show
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Theatrefolk is the Drama Teacher Resource Company. We are your one stop shop for Plays, Resources, and Curriculum Support - all specifically designed for High School and Middle School drama teachers.