Theatrefolk - The Drama Teacher Resource Company

The Drama Teacher Learning Centre


Auditions Exercise Part 1: Perform on Video
Auditions Exercise Part 1: Perform on Video
Exercise: Create a World
Exercise: Create a World
What I wish I knew… when I started teaching drama [VIDEO]
What I wish I knew… when I started teaching drama [VIDEO]
Playwriting Exercise: Starry Starry Night
Playwriting Exercise: Starry Starry Night
Apostrophe’s Video
Apostrophe’s Video
Tuna Fish Advice
Tuna Fish Advice
Chicken Road: After the Performance
Chicken Road: After the Performance
Chicken Road: Talking to the cast before the show
Chicken Road: Talking to the cast before the show
Video: Talking Jealousy Jane
Video: Talking Jealousy Jane
Spread the Love: Split by Bradley Hayward
Spread the Love: Split by Bradley Hayward
Video: Talking Funhouse
Video: Talking Funhouse
Spread the Love: Sixteen in 10 Minutes or Less by Bradley Hayward
Spread the Love: Sixteen in 10 Minutes or Less by Bradley Hayward
Spread the Love: Magic Fairy in the Microwave by Dara Murphy
Spread the Love: Magic Fairy in the Microwave by Dara Murphy
Spread the Love: Alice
Spread the Love: Alice
Spread the Love – Upon a Sea of Dreams: A Journey on the Titanic by Kathleen Donnelly
Spread the Love – Upon a Sea of Dreams: A Journey on the Titanic by Kathleen Donnelly
Spread the Love: Floating on a Don’t Care Cloud
Spread the Love: Floating on a Don’t Care Cloud
Spread the Love: Competition Monologues Book Two
Spread the Love: Competition Monologues Book Two
Spread the Love: School Daze – a Vignette Play
Spread the Love: School Daze – a Vignette Play
Spread the Love: Anne-Arky by Lindsay Price
Spread the Love: Anne-Arky by Lindsay Price
Spread the Love: Malled – Two One Act Plays for Young Women by Colleen Neuman
Spread the Love: Malled – Two One Act Plays for Young Women by Colleen Neuman

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Theatrefolk - The Drama Teacher Resource Company
Theatrefolk is the Drama Teacher Resource Company. We are your one stop shop for Plays, Resources, and Curriculum Support - all specifically designed for High School and Middle School drama teachers.
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