Theatrefolk - The Drama Teacher Resource Company

The Drama Teacher Learning Centre


Exercise: Whisper and Shout
Exercise: Whisper and Shout
Distance Learning: Vocal and Physical Performance Exercises
Vocal and Physical Performance Exercises
To Mic or Not to Mic?
To Mic or Not to Mic?
3 More Tips for Keeping Your Voice Healthy
3 More Tips for Keeping Your Voice Healthy
Can You Hear Me Now? A Peer-Led Volume Exercise
Can You Hear Me Now? A Peer-Led Volume Exercise
Exploring Different Voices Using Puppets, Masks, and Props
Exploring Different Voices Using Puppets, Masks, and Props
3 Tips for Keeping Your Voice Healthy
3 Tips for Keeping Your Voice Healthy
Create A Vocal Workout For The Articulators
Create A Vocal Workout For The Articulators
How Do You Promote Vocal Safety?
How Do You Promote Vocal Safety?
Top 3 Ways to Write a Character Specific Voice
Top 3 Ways to Write a Character Specific Voice
6 Tips to Improve Enunciation
6 Tips to Improve Enunciation
Why Isn’t My Actor Projecting Their Voice?
Why Isn’t My Actor Projecting Their Voice?
A Simple Breath Control Exercise for Actors & Singers
A Simple Breath Control Exercise for Actors & Singers
Video Tip: How Do I Solve Projection Issues?
Video Tip: How Do I Solve Projection Issues?

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Theatrefolk - The Drama Teacher Resource Company
Theatrefolk is the Drama Teacher Resource Company. We are your one stop shop for Plays, Resources, and Curriculum Support - all specifically designed for High School and Middle School drama teachers.
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