Theatrefolk - The Drama Teacher Resource Company

The Advocacy Toolkit

Every drama teacher learns that sooner or later they will have to advocate for their students, programs, or productions. No matter how amazing or successful your drama program may be, there will always be people who do not recognize the value of what you do. That’s why you need to be an advocate for your work.

But how do you advocate for your program?

Start small, think long-term, and find a way to show the value of what you do using language your administration will understand.

Talk about the important skills you teach, such as leadership and creative problem solving. Talk about improving student confidence and educational outcomes. Talk about community outreach. Remember: The sooner you can articulate the value of your program, the better.

Download the Advocacy Toolkit for some tried and true ways to advocate for the value of your program and schoolwide productions, as well as some clever ways to get others to advocate for you.

Download your free Advocacy Toolkit now!
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