Theatrefolk - The Drama Teacher Resource Company

Theatrefolk Featured Play – Finishing Sentences by Scott Giessler

Welcome to our Featured Play Spotlight.  Are you ready for summer camp – and all of the ups and downs that go along with it? Then you’re ready for Finishing Sentences by Scott Giessler – an issue-based dramedy that your students won’t want to miss.

After being arrested for vandalizing a classmate’s car and perpetrating criminal harassment, Kendra serves her community service at a summer camp looking after a frequently bullied kid.

Her journey through this surreal summer camp exposes Kendra to her own raw underbelly. Taking the perspective of the bully, the play forces us to consider the human side of the people we often dismiss.

Why did we publish this play?
Awesome character play. Awesome character play. Awesome character play. Shall I say it again? Awesome, awesome character play. I love that we can look at teen life from unique and interesting perspectives and provide unique and interesting characters for student performers. (Did I mention this is an awesome character play?).

Let’s hear from the author!

1. Why did you write this play?
I have been an avid participant and supporter of Summer Camping since I was a kid. I wanted to write a show that captured the spirit of the experience both comedic and dramatic. Although our time at camp is short, we live lifetimes there.

2. Describe the theme in one or two sentences.
There are no such things as bullies. (It’s a two-dimensional idea. We are all on a journey that are often filled with mistakes. )

3. What’s the most important visual for you in this play?
Transitioning from the stark real world to the colorful world of camp life.

4. If you could give one piece of advice for those producing the play, what would it be?
Let the world around Kendra be crazy. Camp is comedy and tragedy all at the same time.

5. Why is this play great for student performers?
It lets the actors tap into both ingredients: Comedy and Drama. It demands range, timing, and sheer fun.

Products referenced in this post: Finishing Sentences

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