Theatrefolk - The Drama Teacher Resource Company

Theatrefolk Featured Play - Lord of the Pies

Welcome to our Featured Play Spotlight! Lord of the Pies by Clint Snyder is a hilariously fun one-act parody of Lord of the Flies that you need in your classroom.

A pie shop erupts into panic after Franny, a brash cat-lady, announces the arrival of the apocalypse. Franny starts to reconstruct society (called Frannyland) in the tiny pie shop and takes out anyone who stands in her way with baby food and scotch tape.

Is the apocalypse real? Will the bathroom serve as an adequate prison? Why is there a muffin tin in a pie shop? Lord of the Pies answers these questions and more.

Why did we publish this play?
We get a lot of adaptation and parody pieces based on classic works. It's always a joy to read one that's done well! I have much respect for the parody form. It takes a great deal of skill to not only take a work in another genre and transform it into a play, but then on top of that to turn the work on its ear. Lord of the Pies is a wonderful example of parody, it had me giggling from the title right on through to the last word on the last page.

Let's hear from the author!

1. Why did you write this play?
I’ve always had a strong connection to Lord of the Pies since high school and have found the added apocalyptic themes added in to still ring relevant today..

2. Describe the theme in one or two sentences.
A strange woman enters a pie shop and envelopes everyone into end-of-the-world panic, much to her pleasure as their newfound leader.

3. What’s the most important visual for you in this play?
The muffin pan of authority.…

4. If you could give one piece of advice for those producing the play, what would it be?
Have fun, take charge and let yourself have fun with your cast-mates.

5. Why is this play great for student performers?
It’s an absurd large cast/ simple set play that allows students to develop strong characters, but still have fun and learn to enjoy the dramatic process as well as learn practical theatrical skills.

6. Who is your favourite character in the play?
While Franny is definitely a powerhouse and a star, Janice has an innocent but incredibly intelligent honesty that I find endearing.

7. What is your favourite line in the play?
“What we need first is a source of food. Can anyone think of a source of food we could find in a pie shop?”

Products referenced in this post: Lord of the Pies

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