Theatrefolk - The Drama Teacher Resource Company

Theatrefolk Featured Play – Red Tee by Lindsay Price

Welcome to our Featured Play Spotlight.  With flexible gender casting, flexible cast size and an easy to stage set-up, Red Tee by Lindsay Price asks the question ‘Who are you?’.

Gender, family patterns, traditions, labels… It’s time for role call. Who are you?

If you’ve been wearing red for generations, what happens when it doesn’t feel right? And what happens when everyone says you’re the one who’s wrong?

This vignette play examines questions of identity and what happens when someone doesn’t fit in the way everyone expects them to. Are you ready to have these conversations?

Why did we publish this play?
Students are thinking about, talking about, and making decisions about their identity. Adults don’t want them to, but its happening. If we’re going to give students a voice, we need plays and characters that explore identity.

Let’s hear from the author!

1. Describe the theme in one or two sentences.
This play explores personal identity and what happens someone doesn’t fit in the way everyone expects them to.

2. What’s the most important visual for you in this play?
When Blue holds out a blank label and says “You get to choose.” Meaning, you don’t have to let others decide your identity. Everyone gets to choose, some make bad choices, but they are their own.

3. If you could give one piece of advice for those producing the play, what would it be?
Have a discussion with your admin so there are no surprises. Make sure you have them on board. Have a discussion with parents. It’s not the students who will push back but the adults who don’t like change.

4. Why is this play great for student performers?
It’s great for students on stage and off because everyone at some point has to make decisions about their identity. Students have to assess who they are, who they want to be and if changes have to be made. Theatre is a great springboard for discussion.

5. Do you have any advice for anyone looking to perform this play online?
Acting is acting whether you’re in front of a screen or in front of a scene partner. Know your character. Create specific physical and vocal choices for that character. Know your lines! Online performing has issues beyond your control, so make sure you’re on top of the things within your control.

Products referenced in this post: Red Tee

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