Theatrefolk - The Drama Teacher Resource Company

Theatrefolk Production: Deck the Stage!

We know about ‘decking the halls’ but now is the time to Deck the Stage!. Audiences and students alike will be left feeling holly-jolly with this festive collection of six short Christmas plays by Lindsay Price, inspired by Christmas carols such as: Deck the HallsThe Twelve Days of Christmas, and We Three Kings.

Mary Taylor and the drama students at Sunray High School in Sunray, TX got into the festive spirit with these vignette plays inspired by some classic Christmas carols.

All of the parents, friends, and students who attended loved the play. I was able to include a total of 31 students, many whom had never been on the stage. I used this fall play to introduce theatre to freshmen who have never had the opportunity to participate in theatre. Our Culinary Arts and Food Science classes also hosted a dinner in conjunction with the performance. The guests were served during the intermission. This was a first ever event for Sunray High School.

– Mary Taylor

Way to go, Sunray High!

Get a copy of the play Deck the Stage!

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Products referenced in this post: Deck the Stage!

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