Theatrefolk - The Drama Teacher Resource Company

A Swashbuckling Student Success: Treasure Island

Treasure Island by Todd Espeland is a theatrical, character-driven adaptation that’s worth it’s weight in gold – or in this case, a treasure chest full of ‘pieces of eight’!

Fifteen men on the dead man’s chest… Pirates sponging for rum, treasure maps filled with pieces of eight!

Join Jim, Long John Silver and the rest of his scurvy crew for this classic pirate adventure. Easy staging (including Silver’s peg leg) gender flexible options, and a thrilling journey to Skeleton Island.

Yo, ho, ho!

Under the direction of Richard Martin, the student performers at Lusher Charter School in New Orleans, LA had all hands on deck with their production of Treasure Island. Their experience was both a theatrical and a technical success – and that’s the real treasure:

I recently closed Todd Espeland’s Treasure Island with my middle school students at Lusher Charter School in New Orleans. The production was such a success! The kids had a blast portraying pirates. They especially liked including scars and wrinkles in their makeup designs for the characters.

My stage crew were very inventive, tackling the challenges of turning trunks into different scenic locations. I would highly recommend this script to any middle school teacher. The language was meaty enough to be a challenge for my actors and the linear plot allowed me to teach story elements in depth. Thanks for a great script!

Amazing job, Lusher Charter School!

Products referenced in this post: Treasure Island and Treasure Island (One Act Version)

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