Theatrefolk - The Drama Teacher Resource Company

Striking Simplicity: Virtual Family

Virtual Family by Christian Kiley is a look at a soothing world where complete dependency on technology takes away all ills. But is everything really perfect? Plus, three endings to choose from!

Who needs to go outside when you’ve got a screen to show you what outside should look like? Who needs to do chores when laundry can be folded at the push of a button? And who needs a real family, anyway? Isn’t it better to talk through text messages and receive preprogrammed communications from your parents? Sure it is.

Live safe and sound in the Virtual Family, a soothing world where complete dependence on technology is the name of the game. When technology takes away all your ills, conflicts, and concerns, you become a happier human being. Right?

Kelly McCabe  from Barrington Enrichment Summer Theatre had an amazing time with their intern-directed production of Virtual Family. The gifted student performers from the theatre group in Barrington, RI were able to bring a true theatrical experience to their entire group:

One of our interns directed this piece as his senior project. The group as a whole, campers, staff, audience, and even the director of the library whose space we used were all very impressed with the piece. The simplicity of the presentation allowed for a very striking piece. The 3 possible endings was exciting, and allowed for interesting discussion when deciding what we wanted the final tone to ultimately be.

Amazing job, Barrington Enrichment Summer Theatre!

Products referenced in this post: Virtual Family

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