Theatrefolk - The Drama Teacher Resource Company

Production Tips for

by Lindsay Price

We’ve all been there. The awkward pause. The silence where you just can’t think of something to say. The space in-between words where nothing is said and yet so much is spoken. The state of being between.

This vignette play explores the beats, pauses, and never-ending silences in conversation. The girl who tries to tell her best friend she wants to date him. The boy who creates the wrong kind of pause. The sister who is dealing with the silent treatment. The guy who wants to confess but can’t open his mouth. The daughter who doesn’t want to talk because talking makes her remember.

An excellent class project play with parts for everyone at all levels with a great technique exploration. How do you act in a pause?

Comedy Choral Work Vignettes

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This is a vignette play! What is a Vignette Play?

Tips from the Author

This is a play that “plays” with pauses. There are a variety of pause lengths from just a beat all the way up to 30 seconds. Make sure students take these pauses. It will feel uncomfortable and they may resist. It’s hard to stay still. At first, count the seconds for them or use a timer. Avoid letting students count in their heads. Get them to decide their inner monologue. That way when an audience looks at them, they won’t see an actor counting to 10, they’ll see a character fighting their inner thoughts.

What a rehearsal exercise specific to pauses? Click here for A Pause for Pauses!

Tips from past Producers

They struggle with holding the pauses! I count them in for most of our rehersal. Getting the actors to set their motivation for each scene is helpful for them with character development and making sense of the "in between"!
Spend the time discussing inner monologues and facial expressions. Allow for the breathing time in the pauses.

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