Theatrefolk - The Drama Teacher Resource Company
Deck the Stage!

Production Tips for
Deck the Stage!

by Lindsay Price

Theatrefolk's Christmas collection is unlike any other. The show is comprised of six short plays, all of which are inspired by Christmas carols such as: Deck the Halls, The Twelve Days of Christmas, and We Three Kings.

The plays can be performed individually, or all together as a complete evening of entertainment.

An excellent project for your drama club with parts for everyone at all levels!

Comedy Character Study Holiday Vignettes

Average Producer Rating:

This is a vignette play! What is a Vignette Play?

Tips from the Author

Make the transitions between each play part of the blocking process. Going to black is always an option but it also takes the audience out of the world of the play. You have a plethora of Christmas music to choose from - or maybe work out something with the music teacher to sing carols during the scene changes.

What if there was a theme to the scene changes? “Opening presents” or “Waiting for Santa!” Entertain the audience during the transitions, don’t leave them sitting in the dark!

Tips from past Producers

We did this in our Black Box Theater, and the vignettes all work very well in a bare-bones setup. Also, before each vignette, actors who were not in that particular vignette came out and sang the first verse or two of the Christmas carol that inspired the story to follow.
For the angel's choir we made our own angel wings using coffee filters and paper! At first it was a little floppy, but then we added corrugated plastic, cut into rectangles and hot glued them to the paper. They were super cheap, kids were able to make them themselves, and they had a HUGE effect on stage. In between scenes we had the pleasure of using our band classes as transition music. This show allowed us to have a Christmas concert as well as a dramatic show.
Have fun with it and be creative with the setting and costuming!
We performed the "Tree Monologues" in front of a closed curtain while we changed sets, and it worked well for us. We also added brief transitional music from the carols between scenes. Before each showing, we asked members of the audience to wear angel halos and sing from their seats "Angels We Have Heard on High" with Sariel as part of the angel choir in "The Choir Committee."

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