Theatrefolk - The Drama Teacher Resource Company
Epic Adventures in a Rinky-Dink Art Museum

Production Tips for
Epic Adventures in a Rinky-Dink Art Museum

by Ken Preuss

Who says art is boring, especially when there’s romance and mystery in the air? A group of high school students reluctantly visit a small town art museum to complete a creative writing project.

But there’s more to the eye than a couple of paintings. There’s the legend of Vanishing Valerie, the obsession of love-struck Kaitlin, the mystery of why Duncan would try to eat a clay apple, and who is that woman wearing the not-so-great disguise? “Though the art saw it all, it remains on the wall, silently hiding the truth...”

A wonderful character-driven comedy.


Average Producer Rating:

Tips from past Producers

For simplicity's sake, we decided to break up our script into four scenes, each new one starting when the lights went out (the bottom of page 17, page 24, and page 32).
Work on the ending first. Also, we closed the curtain rather than dimming the lights for the scene changes- that made it easier for my stage crew to move the paintings around.

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