Theatrefolk - The Drama Teacher Resource Company

Production Tips for

by Bradley Hayward

Why do kids find it so hard to stop moving?

Kids are constantly being told to hold still. But that’s impossible when all they want to do is move forward at warp speed.

From disputes with friends and troubles at home, to negative self-image and unfortunate sugar highs, this vignette play explores the need to fidget in a world that gets more stressful every day. Jam-packed with rich characters and unique theatricality, this entirely gender flexible play is sure to entertain audiences of all ages.

Comedy Issue-Based Vignettes

Average Producer Rating:

This is a vignette play! What is a Vignette Play?

Tips from past Producers

Let the cast engage with the truth of the material and find their way (with thoughtful and sensitive guidance) into their characters. use expansive space for the production, allowing characters to fully inhabit and cover the space through the monologues and then the ensemble interactions. It wants to expand into the space, including into the audience areas.

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