Theatrefolk - The Drama Teacher Resource Company
Have You Heard?

Production Tips for
Have You Heard?

by Krista Boehnert

Everybody knows a secret. Some keep them quiet. Some let them loose. Some make them larger than life. Secrets, lies and rumours are the subject of Have You Heard?

This monologue-based play follows what happens in a school when rumours and secrets spin out of control. What makes a secret more powerful: When it's the truth? Or when it's a lie?

Drama Character Study Experimental Form Issue-Based Monologue-Friendly Plays

Average Producer Rating:

Tips from past Producers

Work with your body of talent - explore multiple options for presentations, and take chances.
Definitely take the rehearsal time to teach students how to break down monologues with beat shift, important words, pauses, etc. to help give them a good structure to work from. Be sure that the actress playing Mattie is comfortable handling the content that is given to her -- it is incredibly moving and powerful, but very difficult emotionally.

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