Theatrefolk - The Drama Teacher Resource Company
ths phne 2.0: the next generation

Production Tips for
ths phne 2.0: the next generation

by Lindsay Price

Communication has come a long way, baby. Are you 21st century savvy?

Blog your innermost thoughts. Break up by text. Express your deepest emotions through ringtones and smilies. AND YELL!

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Comedy Student Directors Vignettes

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This is a vignette play! What is a Vignette Play?

Tips from the Author

ths phne 2.0 is a vignette play and made up of short scenes. Just because each scene is a complete moment, don’t get caught up in going to black at the end of every scene. Blackouts slow the pace and take the audience out of the world of the play. Use music to transition. Or better yet, block the play so that more than one scene is on stage at a time. Those in the following scene should stand/sit with their backs to the audience or in a neutral pose so that they don’t steal focus from the active scene.

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