šŸ” Why did the chicken cross the road? To spark powerful conversations! The new competition version of Chicken. Road. is a compelling, issue-based play that creates space for meaningful discussions. A perfect choice for your next one-act festival. Click to learn more!

Theatrefolk - The Drama Teacher Resource Company
Treasure Island

Production Tips for
Treasure Island

adapted by Todd Espeland from Robert Louis Stevenson

Fifteen men on the dead manā€™s chestā€¦ Pirates sponging for rum, treasure maps filled with pieces of eight!

Join Jim, Long John Silver and the rest of his scurvy crew for this classic pirate adventure. Easy staging (including Silverā€™s peg leg) gender flexible options, and a thrilling journey to Skeleton Island.

Yo, ho, ho!

Drama Classical Adaptation

Average Producer Rating:

Tips from past Producers

Excellent opportunities for creative staging and pirate antics!

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