🐔 Why did the chicken cross the road? To spark powerful conversations! The new competition version of Chicken. Road. is a compelling, issue-based play that creates space for meaningful discussions. A perfect choice for your next one-act festival. Click to learn more!

Theatrefolk - The Drama Teacher Resource Company
Chemo Girl and Other Plays

Waiting Room

by Christian Kiley

A group of teenagers who all have various types of cancer are waiting to be called into the doctor’s office to receive updates on their progress. At first everyone wants to be by themselves, to stay in their personal bubbles. But as they discover their similarities and appreciate each other for their quirky eccentricities, a bond is created. Their common desire to find out who the mysterious Mr. Fitzpatrick is, after he is called time and time again to go into the office with no response, allows them to express their own feelings about their illnesses.

Drama Character Study Issue-Based
About 25 minutes
Times given are approximate and do not include intermissions/scene changes/breaks
12 Characters
4 M | 7 F | 1 Any Gender, Doubling Possible
Simple Set
This play is part of Chemo Girl and Other Plays, a collection of 4 plays

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Performance Royalty Fees

Royalty fees apply to all performances whether or not admission is charged. Any performance in front of an audience (e.g. an invited dress rehearsal) is considered a performance for royalty purposes.

Exemption details for scenes and monologues for competition.

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Theatrefolk is the Drama Teacher Resource Company. We are your one stop shop for Plays, Resources, and Curriculum Support - all specifically designed for High School and Middle School drama teachers.
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