Theatrefolk - The Drama Teacher Resource Company

You need great plays for your students. We can help.

  • Relevant and reasonable
    Plays specifically for schools and student performers
  • More than blurbs
    Read approx. 90% of any play for free
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Displaying items 101-114 of 114 in total
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Use our free Play Concierge service to get hand-picked selections.

Play Concierge

Chicken. Road.

by Lindsay Price

A group of teenagers grapple with unanswered questions as they try to understand why someone who has it all would kill themselves. Powerful monologues.

  • About 30 minutes
  • 1 M + 1 F + 13 Any Gender
  • Simple Set
  • Recommended for High Schools
  • 34 pages

Frankenstein Among the Dead

adapted by Laramie Dean from the novel by Mary Wollstonecraft Shelley

Thunder and lightning tear apart the night sky while two young women explore the story of Frankenstein

  • About 95 minutes
  • 8 M + 7 F + 8 Any Gender
  • Simple set
  • Recommended for High Schools
  • 81 pages

Cobweb Dreams

by Lindsay Price

Cobweb dreams of a different life, away from Titania's train.

  • About 80 minutes
  • 2 M + 17 F + 7 Any Gender
  • Unit Set
  • Recommended for High Schools & Middle Schools
  • 86 pages

The Pied Piper of Hamelin

adapted by Mrs. Evelyn Merritt from Robert Browning

There are consequences for the people of Hamelin when they refuse to pay the Piper. A theatricalization of the Robert Browning poem.

  • About 20 minutes
  • 6 M + 4 F + 13 Any Gender, Rats
  • Simple Set
  • Recommended for Middle Schools
  • 23 pages

The Tragicomedy of Julia Caesar

by Dave Hammers

Sarah and Dave think it would be fun to direct a play for drama club. And they both love Julius Caesar. What could go wrong?

  • About 82 minutes
  • 5 M + 4 F + 22 Any Gender
  • Simple set
  • Recommended for High Schools & Middle Schools
  • 85 pages

Being Bianca: The Semi-Complete Guide

by Alan Haehnel

Bianca wants to help everyone be the best they can be. Well, she wants everyone to be just like her. Because what's better than being Bianca? Huge cast comedy.

  • About 30 minutes
  • 2 M + 10 F + 38 Any Gender, Doubling and Tripling Possible
  • Simple Set
  • Recommended for High Schools
  • 35 pages

Pandemic Pancake

by Lindsay Price

How will you respond to this evolving new world?

  • About 35 minutes
  • 34 Any Gender
  • Simple set
  • Recommended for High Schools & Middle Schools

Floating on a Don't Care Cloud

by Lindsay Price

An emotional tug of war between a sister and brother and what really happens in the world of teenage marijuana use. A vivid personification of drugs.

  • About 40 minutes
  • 3 M + 5 F + 7 Any Gender
  • Simple Set
  • Recommended for High Schools
  • 42 pages

The Gift

by Lindsay Price inspired by O. Henry

A teen transforms from shallow and selfish to giving and selfless. How did it happen? A wonderful holiday play inspired by The Gift of the Magi.

  • About 90 minutes
  • 4 M + 13 F + 5 Any Gender
  • Simple set
  • Recommended for High Schools
  • 96 pages


by Gary Rodgers

Step inside Robin’s world as he grapples with his conscience and his anti-conscience. And then deeper still as the writer tries to figure out an ending... which he may not be able to do if he’s not actually the writer.

  • About 35 minutes
  • 2 M + 1 F + 14 Any Gender, Doubling Possible
  • Simple set
  • Recommended for High Schools
  • 36 pages

The Pregnancy Project

by Lindsay Price

A pregnancy project turns real when Lucy's test turns pink. No statistics. No preaching. Just well-drawn characters and an engaging story.

  • About 60 minutes
  • 5 M + 15 F
  • Simple Set
  • Recommended for High Schools
  • 47 pages

Free - Version 1

by Lindsay Price

A free picnic forces a struggling town to reconcile their belief systems with their greed.

  • About 45 minutes
  • 6 M + 10 F + 3 Any Gender
  • Simple Set
  • Recommended for High Schools
  • 40 pages

Life, Off Book

by Scott Giessler

What happens when Ophelia and Jeb have to tear themselves away from the script and live life off book?

  • About 35 minutes
  • 5 M + 3 F + 10 Any Gender, Plus ensemble
  • Simple set
  • Recommended for High Schools
  • 33 pages

Free - Version 2

by Lindsay Price

A free picnic forces a struggling town to reconcile their belief systems with their greed. More parts for girls in Version 2.

  • About 45 minutes
  • 4 M + 12 F + 2 Any Gender
  • Simple Set
  • Recommended for High Schools
  • 40 pages

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Theatrefolk - The Drama Teacher Resource Company
Theatrefolk is the Drama Teacher Resource Company. We are your one stop shop for Plays, Resources, and Curriculum Support - all specifically designed for High School and Middle School drama teachers.
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