Theatrefolk - The Drama Teacher Resource Company

Fantastic Flexible Fun: The Absolutely Insidious and Utterly Terrifying Truth About Cat Hair

Are you looking for an easy-to-stage one-act play with parts for 8 or 80? The Absolutely Insidious and Utterly Terrifying Truth About Cat Hair by Bradley Walton might be just what you’re looking for.

Cat hair is infinite. No matter how much hair you brush off of a cat, there will always be more. Always.

Cat hair has existed since the beginning of time, and it will be here long after cockroaches have become extinct. It is the secret driving force behind business and politics, and is plotting the downfall of humanity even as we speak.

Unbelievable? Find out for yourself in this insidious and utterly terrifying tale, which is also totally hilarious, easy to stage, and suitable for an insanely large cast. Brenda! Put down that brush! Step away from the cat!

Under the direction of PJ Muir , the students at Witherlea School in Blenheim, New Zealand had a great time taking this play to the stage and were able to allow their entire cast of 80 to shine:

Amazing script for our large Drama Club of 80. All cast members get to shine and make a huge impact, especially the cat hairs. Kids were buzzing and our parents were blown away. So many laugh out loud moments. Brilliant!

We had 6 narrators, 3 each side which was great for balance. We also used two teachers work with the groups, cat hairs, and all other characters which produced excellent results for cat hairs; they were the stars of the show, each had to choose individual characters and movements.

Great job, Witherlea School!

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