Theatrefolk - The Drama Teacher Resource Company

Choice Board Activity: Switching Genres

Switching up the genre of an existing play can be a lot of fun. Take Shakespeare’s Romeo and Juliet — there have been lots of theatrical and film adaptations of that play, such as West Side Story (musical adaptation), & Juliet (musical POV adaptation), Gnomeo & Juliet (animated), Warm Bodies (zombie rom com), Romeo Must Die (martial arts film), Rosaline (alternate character POV film), and Football Romeo (modern high school adaptation).

In this choice board activity, students do just that: take an existing play and switch up the genre. Set it in outer space. Set it on a cruise ship. Set a modern play in the past, or modernize a historical play. If all else fails, add zombies. (For inspiration, check out Theatrefolk’s Hamlet, Zombie Killer of Denmark. Each student will explain their concept, then complete various tasks of their choosing to expand it.



  • Choose an existing play and read it.
  • Switch the genre and write a synopsis of how you’d change it. Length: 1 page.
  • Write an outline/timeline of the major moments of the play, according to your changes. Length: 1 page.


  • Create a comparison chart of a changed/altered/adjusted character.
  • Create a character sketch for a new character you’re adding to the play, and describe what existing character(s) they interact with and how they affect those characters.
  • Write a monologue for a character. Length: ½–1 page.
  • Write a new scene. Minimum length: 2 pages.
  • Write a song for a musical adaptation (you may use an existing song as the melody/structure, or create an original song).
  • Create an inspiration collage or mood board featuring colours, textures, sketches, photographs, or cutouts that illustrate the concept. (Minimum size: 12 inches by 12 inches)
  • Create a new set design. Explain how it supports your adaptation.
  • Create a costume design for one character. Explain how it supports your adaptation.

BONUS: For extra credit, students may complete and submit up to two additional choices from the list.

Extension Opportunity: If you’d like to expand this activity into a larger scale (such as an ISP or end-of-term project), you can have students create an elevator pitch for their adaptation, or do a complete show design for the production.

Additional Resources:
Costume Challenge: Modernizing a Classic Character’s Ensemble
Connecting the Past to the Present: Modernizing a Scene
Playwriting Exercise: Exploring Adaptation
Be sure to check out Theatrefolk’s catalogue of classical adaptation plays for inspiration.

Products referenced in this post: Football Romeo and Hamlet, Zombie Killer of Denmark
Click here for a free evaluation rubric.
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