NEW COMPETITION VERSION - Rebootilization: Stories are vanishing! SynCryn’s “foolproof” Rebootilization process promises to save the day—but chaos, glitches, and laughs ensue! Perfect for middle school, this new competition version is packed with humor and excitement!
The purpose of this group exercise is to see how technical effects can change the mood and atmosphere of a performed scene. Students will have the opportunity to perform and observe others, while figuring out two simple yet creative technical effects using only resources available in the drama classroom. They are also challenged to keep their acting consistent between the two presentations of the scene, without letting the change in technical effects change their performance.
1. Students will form small groups and each will prepare a short scene (1-2 pages). Scenes can be performed with script in hand or memorized, as time permits/teacher wishes. You can find some great two-person scenes and group scenes on our Free Resources page.
2. Each group must use a simple yet clear technical effect in their scene, using resources available in the classroom. Some examples might include:
3. Each group will present the scene for the rest of the class.
4. Each group will then present the scene again, without changing any blocking, acting choices, voice volume, and so on. This time, however, they must create an entirely different effect while using the same equipment (lights, music, props). Using the above examples:
5. After all the students have presented twice, they will discuss and/or write a reflection on the following questions: