Theatrefolk - The Drama Teacher Resource Company

Fun & Flexible Frankenstein: Frankenstein vs. the Horrendous Goo

Frankenstein vs. the Horrendous Goo by Treanor Baring is a fast-paced, action-packed comedy that’s sure to delight both middle school actors and their audiences.

A mix-up in the chemistry club creates a horrendous goo that takes over John Dalton School. Students, administrators and even parents get “goo-ed” by this mysterious green slime with a mind of its own.

Who is behind the attack of the mutant polymer? Can the students disentangle the clues from what they’ve learned in chemistry, theatre and psychology class? Why is Frankenstein brought in to save the day? And why is he writing love notes?

Director Doug Poage and the incredibly skilled and committed student performers at Timbercrest Middle School in Woodinville, Washington had some fun with Frankenstein in their recent production, and were eager to share their success:

The kids loved it, the parents loved it, it was great fun!

Was a very flexible script and easily adaptable for our 8th graders. Very simple set and costumes and props were easy to find and use.

Congratulations, Timbercrest Middle School!

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