Drama teachers, if you’re looking for a production for your middle school group that’s great for group work and focuses on issues your students can relate to, be sure to check out Hoodie by Lindsay Price. Middle schoolers face a tornado of questions every day. What do I wear? What if I wear the wrong thing? What is she wearing? What do I look like? Stop looking at me!
Hoodie examines image and appearance in the vignette style and poses what may be the most difficult question of all – Do I stay in the clump or do I stand alone?
The talented drama students at Lee Scott Academy in Auburn, Alabama, led by drama teacher Tricia Oliver , tackled these relevant issues in this engaging play which led them on an extremely successful journey.
I ended up going with a 7 minute cutting from Hoodie for our ensemble piece for our 15 girls (7-12th grade) and we won 2nd place at our state competition! We will be reworking the piece to perform it at Alabama Thespian festival with my senior thespians.
– Tricia Oliver
Congratulations on your award-winning performance, Lee Scott Academy!