Theatrefolk - The Drama Teacher Resource Company

Quiz: Are You a Good Digital Citizen?

In our last blog post, we talked about what digital citizenship in the drama classroom is. Teachers, let’s now take a look at your own digital citizenship skills and knowledge with this quiz.

1. What is your current relationship with digital media relating to your drama classroom?

  • (A) Little to nonexistent. I’m busy enough with my classroom responsibilities to have time to update a bunch of social media.

  • (B) Average. We have a drama department Facebook page or Twitter handle that I update every so often, when I remember.

  • (C) Good. I enjoy sharing classroom photos and articles that I think my students would enjoy to our social media pages on a regular basis.

2. How often do you post to your drama department’s social media channels?

  • (A) Hardly ever. I don’t even know if we have any.

  • (B) Whenever I feel like it. Sometimes it’s later in the day when I remember; sometimes I go a few weeks between posts. Other times I’ll share multiple posts per day.

  • (C) I have a regular posting schedule. I post at approximately around the same time each day/week for consistency.

3. Are you up on the latest social media trends and apps?

  • (A) Sort of. I’ve heard of them, but I don’t really use them myself. I don’t know how my students keep up with the constant changes.

  • (B) Mostly. I’ve got Facebook, Twitter and/or Instagram down. But beyond that it’s a lot to figure out.

  • (C) You bet. I wouldn’t consider myself an expert in all things social media, but I do speak with my students about what’s going on in the digital world to keep myself somewhat up to date.

4. Have you ever used digital media and/or technology in your drama classroom (outside of productions)?

  • (A) Yes – Well, if the overhead projector counts.

  • (B) Yes – I share and retweet my students’ posts to our drama department’s website and Facebook page. I’ve also found some free classroom materials online. (link to our blog)

  • (C) Yes – We’ve explored options like using apps such as Instagram Stories or Facebook Live to share projects and exercises online. I like to challenge my students to figure out ways of including digital sources in our drama classes.

5. How are your students using digital media in the drama classroom?

  • (A) I have no idea. My classroom is a phone-free zone.

  • (B) I have some idea. They’re always on their phones, sometimes for useful reasons, other times to just chat with friends.

  • (C) I’m on it. My students use their devices for a variety of purposes – research, learning about new theatrical shows, etc. But if the devices are a distraction, they have to be put away.

6. How did you use digital technology to publicize your last theatrical production?

  • (A) Sort of. I created a Facebook event and invited everyone on my friends list.

  • (B) Mostly. I created a Facebook event, and shared rehearsal photos and video clips to our social media channels every so often.

  • (C) You bet. I created a Facebook event, shared rehearsal photos and video clips on a regular basis throughout the process, and my students organized an Instagram takeover during show week.

Take a look at your answers, and count your As, Bs, and Cs:

A: ______

B: ______

C: ______

If you got mostly As:

Your relationship with digital media could use some work. You might be too busy to maintain a drama department social media account, or you might be doubting your technology skills. Try to take some small steps towards growing your digital citizenship skills – talk with your colleagues and students, read some articles, explore different apps. Your students will undoubtedly benefit from seeing you learn more, and you can even work together with your students to improve your skills together.

If you got mostly Bs:

You’re on the right track. While you’re certainly not a digital slouch, you could use some tips on using social media consistently, getting the most out of digital resources, or incorporating digital media into the drama classroom. Try starting by asking your students how they use digital media and how they think it could be used in the drama classroom.

If you got mostly Cs:

You have a great handle on digital citizenship! You’re up to date on social media trends, you work to integrate technology into the drama classroom, and you have a healthy relationship with devices in the classroom. Your students are definitely learning a lot from your useful and positive digital skills. Keep working to stay current on digital trends, and keep up the great work!

Click here for a free digital citizenship quiz for your students to get a discussion started about digital citizenship in the drama classroom.
Download For Free

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