Theatrefolk - The Drama Teacher Resource Company

Resource: Tons of Emotion Prompts

Not sure how your character is feeling? Not to worry, fret, or flounder. Below you’ll find 50 emotion prompts, and another 50 in the download at the bottom of this article. Use these prompts when you’re doing an exercise like “Same Lines, Different Meanings”; when your students need a descriptive word for their writing beyond happy, sad, or angry; or when you want your students to amp up the emotional arc of a scene.

  1. Joyful
  2. Thrilled
  3. Excited
  4. Ecstatic
  5. Enthusiastic
  6. Giddy
  7. Hopeful
  8. Silly
  9. Confident
  10. Proud
  11. Affectionate
  12. Compassionate
  13. Amused
  14. Courageous
  15. Peaceful
  16. Heroic
  17. Triumphant
  18. Determined
  19. Overjoyed
  20. Miserable
  21. Despairing
  22. Lonely
  23. Despondent
  24. Depressed
  25. Overwhelmed
  26. Rejected
  27. Secretive
  28. Regretful
  29. Ashamed
  30. Disappointed
  31. Awkward
  32. Grieving
  33. Dejected
  34. Hysterical
  35. Worried
  36. Panicked
  37. Furious
  38. Enraged
  39. Cranky
  40. Irritable
  41. Embarrassed
  42. Humiliated
  43. Offended
  44. Stressed
  45. Guilty
  46. Resentful
  47. Hostile
  48. Contemptuous
  49. Indignant
  50. Terrified
Click here for 50 additional prompts.
Download For Free

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