Theatrefolk - The Drama Teacher Resource Company

Resource: Tons of Food-Related Prompts

Here at Theatrefolk, we love a good prompt collection! We’ve got outdoor prompts, job/occupation prompts, location prompts, and this collection is all about food! Don’t worry — all of these prompts are school-appropriate, and diet culture-free. 

Use the following fifty prompts for improv scenes or playwriting exercises, and you’ll find fifty more prompts in the giveaway at the bottom of this page. Have fun!

1. Making/eating breakfast
2. Making/eating breakfast in bed
3. Making/eating lunch
4. Making/eating dinner
5. Feeding a newborn
6. Feeding a toddler
7. Eating with a fork and knife
8. Eating with chopsticks
9. Eating with your hands
10. Baking a pie
11. Participating in a pie-eating contest
12. Cooking on a barbecue
13. Cooking over a fire
14. Trying to cook without a recipe
15. Eating something spicy
16. Eating something extremely sour
17. Eating something that hurts your teeth
18. Ate too much and feeling stuffed
19. Waiting impatiently for a meal at a restaurant
20. Twirling spaghetti noodle
21. Tossing a pizza
22. Decorating cupcakes
23. Serving a formal tea
24. Overfilling a plate at a buffet
25. Having a picnic
26. Having a food fight
27. Eating while doing something else and spilling on yourself
28. Trying to eat something that is precariously balanced on your lap
29. Snacking while watching a movie
30. Getting an ice cream headache
31. Participating in a toddler cake smash photoshoot
32. Running a lemonade stand
33. Running a bake sale
34. Chewing gum and blowing bubbles
35. Nervously chopping vegetables with an extremely sharp knife
36. Appearing on a cooking competition show
37. Going grocery shopping
38. Going grocery shopping without your list and trying to remember what you need
39. Eating a meal and noticing something gross in it (like a hair)
40. Crying while chopping onions
41. Working as a singing waiter in a restaurant
42. Trying to get a food stain (ketchup, chocolate, etc.) out of a favourite piece of clothing
43. Giving someone a box of chocolates or candy for Valentine’s Day
44. Eating something while blindfolded and guessing what it is
45. Having an allergic reaction to a food you ate
46. Ordering a meal using an app
47. Making a holiday meal with someone you’re in an argument with
48. At a restaurant, discovering everything on the menu is extremely expensive
49. Eating ice cream while crying over a breakup
50. Eating popcorn at the movies

Bonus: Check out our character development game, What’s For Breakfast?

Click here for fifty more food-related prompts.
Download For Free

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