Theatrefolk - The Drama Teacher Resource Company

Spread the Love: Shout! An A Cappella Musical

Recorded live at the Ohio Music Educators Conference. Lindsay and Craig spread the love for Shout! An A Cappella Musical.

Video Transcript

Lindsay: Hello! We are at the Ohio Music Educators Association Conference and we are spreading the love for Shout! – Shout! Our musical that we’ve been talking about forever, but now it’s time to spread the love about Shout!

Shout is the most unique musical ever because it is all a cappella and it’s a tug of war in three stories. The first, Parent versus Teen – Dana wants to explore the world and her mother wants to keep her in the house. The second, Jack and Tassie are two daters who have been thrust together in a relationship by their respective best friends and all they want to do is break up and they can’t figure out how to do it. The third, two opposites, Perfect Kate has been assigned to peer mentor troubled, moody Ariane.

In all three stories, the tug of war wrote breaks but, instead of disaster, all of the characters find clarity. The play is hilarious and honest and, most importantly, melodical.

Craig, what do you love about Shout?

Craig: What I love about Shout is it’s a musical that just really makes you go “huh” because it’s all a cappella. And, even here at a music conference, choral directors have looked at us and said, “Really? An a cappella musical? How can you do that?” and what’s great about it is it looks really hard but once you get into it, once you pick up those words, once you learn that first song and hear how it sounds and hear everyone else around you, it becomes infectious. It becomes almost easy. It’s something you immediately grasp onto and love and can’t wait to get on to the next song, and the next song, and the next song.

Lindsay, what do you love about Shout?

Lindsay: Character and song, character and song, can I say it again? Character and song. The music for this musical is brilliant for two reasons – one, because it is as simple as it can be for a cappella but sounds so rich. Kristin Gauthier is a master at simple, manageable singing but beautiful sounding and fun sounding and just heart-changing sounding.

For me, as a writer, this is the project in fifteen years of writing that I am the most proud of. I love this and I want everybody to love it. And I think it would be an amazing experience and that’s what we want: we want amazing experiences for schools and students.

Craig: Hey! Psst! Now, this is just between you and us. Do you want a free preview script of Shout? All you have to do to get a free preview script – now don’t tell anybody else but – all you have to do to get your free preview script is just click on the link at the bottom of this video, just below this video, and send us an email telling us that you want to shout it out, and we’ll get that script out to you right away.

Lindsay: Okay. That’s it for Spread the Love. Bye!

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