Theatrefolk - The Drama Teacher Resource Company

Spread the Love: Wait Wait Bo Bait by Lindsay Price

This week on Spread the Love, Craig talks about Wait Wait Bo Bait (and Wait Wait Bo Bait – Middle School Edition), a vignette play by Lindsay Price.


Welcome to Spread the Love. This week I’m talking about Wait Wait Bo Bait by Lindsay Price.

Wait Wait Bo Bait is a vignette play, short scenes based on a theme, and here the theme is waiting. Waiting for the principal’s office, waiting to go to the bathroom, waiting to open Christmas presents, and so on. You get the idea.

What I love about Wait Wait Bo Bait is that it has found a life of its own, aside from the fact that it’s a play in and of itself. For example, the Madame Zoobenka scene, in which a young girl consults a fortune teller as to how long she has to wait for the man of her dreams is a mainstay at competitions, as is a monologue, in which a girl gets progressively crazier and crazier as she waits for a boy to call her on the phone.

We have two editions of Wait Wait Bo Bait. There is the regular edition and there’s the middle school edition. The original version of the play features a scene in which two teenagers are waiting for the results of a pregnancy test. Now a lot of schools – especially middle schools – had to cut that scene for a variety of reasons. So, Lindsay sat down and wrote a replacement scene to go in its place. It’s a scene that is every bit as dramatic, every bit as impactful, but now it’s much more friendly and so everybody can do this awesome play. The two scripts are exactly identical except for that one scene. Cast size hasn’t changed.

That’s it for Spread the Love!

Products referenced in this post: Wait Wait Bo Bait and Wait Wait Bo Bait (Middle School Edition)

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