Rehearsals You Need to Include in Your Schedule (That You May Not Have Thought Of)
Theatrical Time Management for Students
Getting Excited: How to Get “Buy-in” at Your First Rehearsal
The First Rehearsal Read-Through: Yay or Nay?
Three “Get to Know You” Games
Pros and Cons of Double-Casting
Casting Challenge: Too Many Actors!
Pros and Cons of Cold Readings
A Comparison of Rehearsal Blocking Techniques
5 Ways for Students to Practice Outside of Rehearsal
The “Show Circle” and Why It’s Awesome
Scenes From A Bag
Creating Your Own Commedia Lazzi
How to Make a Basic Hair & Makeup Kit for Student Actors
What’s the Difference Between What Characters Want and Need?
Do You Know Your Character?
Dealing with Difficult Characters: 3 Tips for Success
5 Tips for Preparing a Monologue with Confidence
High Status/Low Status Character Physicality
Bound, Punch, Float – Physicality Exercise
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Theatrefolk is the Drama Teacher Resource Company. We are your one stop shop for Plays, Resources, and Curriculum Support - all specifically designed for High School and Middle School drama teachers.