Theatrefolk - The Drama Teacher Resource Company

The Drama Teacher Learning Centre


Physicalize Your Scene Work
Physicalize Your Scene Work
5 Tips for Physicalizing a Nonhuman Character
5 Tips for Physicalizing a Nonhuman Character
Practicing the Basics: 3 Games to Help Students Play to the Audience
Practicing the Basics: 3 Games to Help Students Play to the Audience
Developing Your Character’s Physicality from Head to Toe
Developing Your Character’s Physicality from Head to Toe
Stage vs. Screen: A Comparison of Acting Techniques
Stage vs. Screen: A Comparison of Acting Techniques
Top 5 Acting Exercises for Drama Students
Top 5 Acting Exercises for Drama Students
How to Solve Common Beginning Actors’ Mistakes
How to Solve Common Beginning Actors’ Mistakes
Creating A Strong Ensemble
Creating A Strong Ensemble
Create a Commedia Dell’Arte Character
Create a Commedia Dell’Arte Character
Do your students suffer from Wanderitis?
Do your students suffer from Wanderitis?
Acting Exercise: The Ensemble Monologue
Acting Exercise: The Ensemble Monologue
Playwriting & Acting Exercise: Channel that Fear
Playwriting & Acting Exercise: Channel that Fear
Preparing Middle School Students to Perform Monologues
Preparing Middle School Students to Perform Monologues
Speeches from History – A Cross-Curricular Unit
Speeches from History – A Cross-Curricular Unit
Directing First Time Actors
Directing First Time Actors
I want to be an actor!
I want to be an actor!
Playwriting & Acting Exercise: One Word
Playwriting & Acting Exercise: One Word
Agatha Rex in the Classroom: Student Scenework
Agatha Rex in the Classroom: Student Scenework
Theatre in the Round – Acting
Theatre in the Round – Acting

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Theatrefolk - The Drama Teacher Resource Company
Theatrefolk is the Drama Teacher Resource Company. We are your one stop shop for Plays, Resources, and Curriculum Support - all specifically designed for High School and Middle School drama teachers.
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