🐔 Why did the chicken cross the road? To spark powerful conversations! The new competition version of Chicken. Road. is a compelling, issue-based play that creates space for meaningful discussions. A perfect choice for your next one-act festival. Click to learn more!

Theatrefolk - The Drama Teacher Resource Company

The Drama Teacher Learning Centre

Classroom Exercise

Time Filler Activity: Everything You Know
Time Filler Activity: Everything You Know
Time Filler Activities: Symbol Stories
Time Filler Activities: Symbol Stories
How to Use a Small Cast Play in Your Drama Classroom, Part 2
How to Use a Small Cast Play in Your Drama Classroom, Part 2
How to Use a Small Cast Play in Your Drama Classroom
How to Use a Small Cast Play in Your Drama Classroom
Spooky Special Effects Challenge
Spooky Special Effects Challenge
Scene and Song Analysis Using Emojis
Scene & Song Analysis Using Emojis
Costume Challenge: Creative Creation
Costume Challenge: Creative Creation
Costume Challenge: One Item, Three Ways
Costume Challenge: One Item, Three Ways
Round-Up: Theatre in the Real World Exercises
Round-Up: Theatre in the Real World Exercises
Small Group Exercise: Summarize a Play in Verse
Small Group Exercise: Summarize a Play in Verse
Drama Classroom Door Design
Drama Classroom Door Design
Create a Giant Onstage
Create a Giant Onstage
Exercise: Large Group Tableau Scenes
Exercise: Large Group Tableau Scenes
Exercise: Whisper and Shout
Exercise: Whisper and Shout
Six-Second Scenes
Six-Second Scenes
Exercise: Making Tough Decisions
Exercise: Making Tough Decisions
Exercise: Giving and Receiving Feedback
Exercise: Giving and Receiving Feedback
Exercise: Mimed Relationships
Exercise: Mimed Relationships
Class Project: Celebrate Your Successes
Class Project: Celebrate Your Successes
Game: Challenging Negative Thoughts (SEL Self-Awareness)
Game: Challenging Negative Thoughts (SEL Self-Awareness)

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Theatrefolk - The Drama Teacher Resource Company
Theatrefolk is the Drama Teacher Resource Company. We are your one stop shop for Plays, Resources, and Curriculum Support - all specifically designed for High School and Middle School drama teachers.
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