Can you tell a great story in six minutes? How about in six seconds? You definitely can. Prior to TikTok, there was Vine — a short-form video hosting app where users created and shared six-second-long looping videos. Even within the limit of six seconds, creators were able to make fascinating and funny content to entertain and educate their viewers.
The following exercise challenges students to make a scene and tell a story in only six seconds. They have to make quick, precise decisions and get to the point right away. And of course, they have to be clear and easily understood by the audience.
Your students can choose to either create and perform a live six-second scene, or create, film, and edit a six-second video. Whichever medium they choose must be exactly six seconds — no more, no less — and it will be timed.
Materials Needed:
Time Frame:
1. Divide students into small groups (3–4 students per group).
2. Using a timer, demonstrate exactly how long six seconds is. You can do a lot in six seconds! Have your students try some simple actions, such as writing a sentence or tying their shoe, and see if they can do them in six seconds.
3. Groups will plan and write an outline for their six-second scene, answering the questions below. Their scene can be about anything they wish. It can be funny, tragic, educational, moody, thought-provoking — it just has to fit within the time frame exactly.
4. Groups will submit their outlines for approval.
5. Once each group’s outline has been approved, groups will write their scripts and rehearse their scenes (and films, as necessary). Groups must use a timer to ensure that their creations are exactly six seconds long. Check in with each group to ensure that they aren’t speaking too quickly in order to cram more content in.
6. Each group will present their live scene or video.
7. Each group member will submit a one-page reflection response to the following questions:
by Lindsay Price
Scenes for Classroom Study consists of scenes from published Theatrefolk plays and is designed to help with character study, scene work, substitute teachers, performance, Individual Event competitions and so much more.
by Lindsay Price
Looking for quality scenes for your ensemble that haven't been done a million times? This Ensemble Scene Collection contains 33 scenes from published plays - great for competition and classwork!