šŸ” Why did the chicken cross the road? To spark powerful conversations! The new competition version of Chicken. Road. is a compelling, issue-based play that creates space for meaningful discussions. A perfect choice for your next one-act festival. Click to learn more!

Theatrefolk - The Drama Teacher Resource Company

The Drama Teacher Learning Centre


Creative Ideas for Staging Chase Scenes
Creative Ideas for Staging Chase Scenes
Introduction to Scene Analysis for Middle School Students
Introduction to Scene Analysis for Middle School Students
Pros and Cons: Food and Drink Onstage
Pros and Cons: Food and Drink Onstage
Playwriting Exercise: Quill, Fountain, and Glitter Gel Pen Scenes
Playwriting Exercise: Quill, Fountain, and Glitter Gel Pen Scenes
Blocking Exercise: Same Scene, Different Stages
Blocking Exercise: Same Scene, Different Stages
Creatively-Staged Scenes with  Middle School Students
Creatively-Staged Scenes with Middle School Students
Scene and Song Analysis Using Emojis
Scene & Song Analysis Using Emojis
Six-Second Scenes
Six-Second Scenes
Scene-Specific Exercises
Scene-Specific Exercises
Scene Self-Staging: Teaching Students to Block Theatrically and Independently
Scene Self-Staging: Teaching Students to Block Theatrically and Independently
Theatrefolk Featured Play – 6 ft Scenes by Lindsay Price
Theatrefolk Featured Play ā€“ 6 ft Scenes by Lindsay Price
Using Statistics as Scene Starters
Using Statistics as Scene Starters
Scenes for Classroom Study: Help your students take their work to the next level
Scenes for Classroom Study: Help your students take their work to the next level
Theatrefolk’s Top 10: Scene Work
Theatrefolkā€™s Top 10: Scene Work
A Picture Tells a Thousand Words: Cross-Curricular Drama Classroom Project
A Picture Tells a Thousand Words: Cross-Curricular Drama Classroom Project
Scene Study: Realism
Scene Study: Realism
Connecting the Past to the Present: Modernizing a Scene
Connecting the Past to the Present: Modernizing a Scene
Physicalize Your Scene Work
Physicalize Your Scene Work
Practicing the Basics: 3 Games to Help Students Play to the Audience
Practicing the Basics: 3 Games to Help Students Play to the Audience
Classroom Exercise: Round Robin
Classroom Exercise: Round Robin

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Theatrefolk - The Drama Teacher Resource Company
Theatrefolk is the Drama Teacher Resource Company. We are your one stop shop for Plays, Resources, and Curriculum Support - all specifically designed for High School and Middle School drama teachers.
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