Theatrefolk - The Drama Teacher Resource Company

Theatrefolk Featured Play - Rebootilization: Competition Version

Welcome to our Featured Play Spotlight. Love Rebootilization? Now you can enjoy Rebootilization: Competition Version by Alan Haehnel with your group!

Stories are disappearing in a worldwide pandemic, and SynCryn’s “foolproof” Rebootilization process is here to save the day—or not. With glitches, tech-addicted directors, and thawing stories, chaos ensues! Perfect for middle school with a range of speaking roles, this new competition version is packed with humor and excitement.

Let's hear from the author!

1. Why did you write this play?

Originally, I wrote Rebootilization as a full-length commissioned piece for a school that typically involved something like 80 kids in their productions. Quite a task, coming up with a show to accommodate so many. After I wrote the show, the school produced it successfully, and then Theatrefolk published it, I got a couple of requests over the years to trim it to a one-act. I liked the idea since the 80-kid cast was a bit daunting for most programs, but I never got around to trimming it until Lindsay from Theatrefolk contacted me a few months ago and proposed coming up with a 30-minute version of the play for competitions. This time the idea stuck and the shortened version was born.

2. Describe the theme in one or two sentences?

As a retired English teacher, I wonder a bit about the term “theme.” That, to me, means the universal lesson underlying the play. For a silly comedy like Rebootilization, that’s a tough ask. The major topic or conflict of the play is technology versus tradition. Mainly, though, it’s a fun way to riff on this “what if”: What if some government agency had all the original story characters frozen and hidden somewhere, and their stash was getting corrupted?

3. What's the most important visual for you in this play?

The chaotic scene near the end where all these various traditional story characters have unfrozen and are about to engage in a riot.

4. If you could give one piece of advice for those producing the play, what would it be?

Have the actors get off-book early so they can have plenty of time to play around with creative and very active blocking.

5. Why is this play great for student performers?

Even though it’s trimmed down significantly from the original 80+ character version, it’s still got so many parts, so many fun costumes, so much action!

6. Who is your favourite character in the play?

I really get a kick out of the no-nonsense version of Little Red Riding Hood. She’s very assertive (maybe even bossy?), but I love her.

7. What is your favourite line in the play?

There are many lines I enjoy, but I think the right actor could have a lot of fun with Red Riding Hood’s pronouncement: “All right, I’ve had about a gallon of milk and a half dozen stale cookies so I’m feeling bloated and pretty darned impatient!”

Products referenced in this post: Rebootilization and Rebootilization: Competition Version

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