Theatrefolk - The Drama Teacher Resource Company

Tips for Better House Manager Speeches

A house manager speech is a short spiel presented prior to a theatrical performance, where the audience is welcomed and given some last minute information about the show and/or some basic theatre etiquette reminders, such as the duration of the show, where the restrooms are, and most importantly, to turn off your cell phones. It is fairly typical for the speech to be given by the director — as in, you! — or a member of the front of house team (the house manager or an usher).

What information should be shared in the house manager’s speech? Here are the most common speaking points:

  • A brief welcome and thank you for attending the production.
  • “Welcome, and thank you for attending Central Secondary School’s production of Football Romeo by Lindsay Price.”
  • The length of the play and whether there is an intermission.
  • “The show is 2 hours long with one 15-minute intermission” or “The show runs 75 minutes and is performed without an intermission.”
  • Whether or not food or drinks may be consumed during the performance (and oftentimes reminders to unwrap candies or cough drops now).
  • Whether or not photography or video recording is permitted during the performance. If it is allowed, it is best practice to turn camera flashes off to avoid startling or blinding the students onstage.
  • A reminder to turn off cell phones and any other electronic devices.
  • Any safety reminders or directions, such as how to leave the theatre, or if there will be special effects (such as a strobe/flashing light or loud, startling sounds) that may affect the audience’s experience.
  • “If you need to leave the theatre, please use the exits in the rear of the auditorium. An usher will escort you back to your seat at an appropriate time in the performance.” “This production features gunshot sounds and strobe lights which may affect some audience members.”
  • Any content/trigger warnings — violence/stage combat, strong language, sensitive subject matter, etc. Adjust as necessary for your school’s community and intended audience.

Please note that the duration of the show, safety reminders, and content/trigger warnings should also be communicated many times before the patrons arrive at the show, and in many different ways, such as on the show and ticketing websites, in social media posts, on signage outside the theatre, and reiterated by ushers as they take tickets, hand out programs, and/or direct audience members to their seats. Audience members should be aware of the show they’re going into before they arrive at the performance, so they can make an educated decision on whether they wish to attend.

The best house manager speeches are brief, concise, and attention getting; the information is conveyed in a way that makes audience members follow the instructions, and then the show starts promptly. Sometimes though, the director gets a little emotional and starts waxing poetic about the process and hard work that has gone into the show, the speech gets longer and more drawn out, and the audience is left waiting impatiently for the performance to start. So to avoid holding your audiences hostage, read on for some helpful tips to improve your house manager speeches.

First, do you need a house manager speech at all? Some plays or musicals, such as The SpongeBob Musical, have pre-show patter written into the show. If you’re giving an additional house manager speech on top of that, you’re just wasting time. Can the information be conveyed in another way? For example, could you post signage outside of the theatre, write a blurb in the show program, or have ushers verbally share the information with patrons as they’re taking tickets or directing people to their seats?

If you still feel you need a speech, please keep it succinct. The plot of the show, the inspiration behind why you chose it, anecdotes about the rehearsal process, and special thanks can be shared in a director’s note in the program, on your school’s website or social media pages, or posted on signs around the theatre. We have to keep our egos in check and remember that when it comes down to it, the audience is there to see the students perform, not to hear us talk. Share only the most important information that absolutely needs to be conveyed.

When possible, have students present the speech. You could have a student house manager or usher present the speech as part of their front of house duties. Or, you could have a member of the acting ensemble present the house manager speech. It’s great if you can pick a student with a smaller role or who has fewer lines in the show, as it gives them more to do. You could also split up the speech and have two or more students present it as a pair or trio, such as a small group of graduating seniors.

Decide whether the speech will be presented live or pre-recorded. If the speech is presented live, you’ll need to add a lighting cue for the presenter and may require an additional microphone; if the speech will be pre-recorded, you’ll need to arrange time to record the speech and add it to your sound cue list.

Finally, decide whether the speech will be standard/traditional or themed/in-character. There’s nothing wrong with a clear, straightforward speech with simple instructions. It’s easy to understand and does the job. But it can also be a lot of fun to have the speech presented in-character or in the theme or style of the show. Think Shreds and Patches in Shakespearean verse (or even iambic pentameter), or Rebootilization introduced by the SynCryn technicians. Themed house manager speeches grab audience members’ attention and get them into the theatrical mindset right away. Plus, they’re fun!

No matter how you choose to present your house manager speech, just remember to keep it short, informative, and attention-grabbing — and then get on with the show!

Click here for two sample house manager speeches.
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