In a magical dimension, three teenagers are pulled into a conflict between Good and Bad Ideas from classic tales. Who is to blame for the bad idea?
Stress is driving a teen quartet crazy - so much so they can't stop talking about it. This play is a symphony of sound and character.
The heartbreaking look at dementia from the inside. The struggle between real and fantasy. Past and present. An award-winning theatrical experience.
Connect and commiserate with these characters who can't help but do stupid things. An amazing ensemble opportunity.
Charlie may not be a superhero, but when she digs deep she discovers her unique talents to save the day.
Wendy walks into a typical teen support group but quickly discovers that that the others are anything but typical.
In the future the issue of poverty is solved through separation and subserviance. A teen causes trouble simply because she wants to better herself.
A competition-length version of Sweep Under Rug by Lindsay Price
Envy, Sloth and Greed meet up at the beach with Kindness, Generosity and Zeal for their yearly swim meet!
A one act annotated version of Shakespeare's controversial tale about the relationships between men and women.
A collection of short plays with interesting, engaging, vivid parts for girls.
A collection of ten minute plays.
Nothing stands in the way of the green grass. Until they wake up one morning to see a yellow dandelion in their midst.
A vignette play about communication. Great for classwork.
Ariane and Kate deal with people from their past who invade their head space. Will either be able to set themselves free?
Alice is back in Wonderland and looking to become Queen. This adaptation is a fantastical physical journey for both actor and audience.
A vignette play that looks at 21st century communication. Blog your innermost thoughts. Break up by text. Express your deepest emotions through LOL's and smilies.
The teenagers in Tick Talk have much to say, but no way to say it. Characters are limited to only ONE WORD for the whole play. A great challenge for actors.
A noir play featuring the ace detectives from the Broadly Speaking Detective Agency.
Tyler is a star. But his sister is getting tired of keeping his secrets.