🐔 Why did the chicken cross the road? To spark powerful conversations! The new competition version of Chicken. Road. is a compelling, issue-based play that creates space for meaningful discussions. A perfect choice for your next one-act festival. Click to learn more!
Cat hair is taking over the world in this hilarious huge cast one act.
A modern adaptation of Sophocles' Antigone set in a high school.
A competition-length adaptation of Agatha Rex by Lindsay Price
An adaptation of Lewis Carroll's classic book. Practical solutions to all special effects. A magical trip to Wonderland!
Anonymous is a story of every teenager: trying to fit in, trying to belong, trying to fall in love. It's hard to be an individual when you're trying to survive.
Theseus is a young man on an adventure. As he makes his way to Athens to meet his father he must fight bandits, carnivorous pigs, and travel the underworld.
In this world writing is a struggle, a battle, a war. Backspace explores personification and characterization like no other play.
Catherine is a beauty queen. Cosette is a homeschooled spelling bee champion. Two sisters could not be farther apart. When their worlds collide, sparks fly.
This vignette play explores the beats, pauses, and neverending silences in conversation. An excellent class project with parts for everyone.
A middle school vignette play about the boxes we find ourselves in.
Jake finds a suicide note in his mailbox. Is it real? Is it a joke? Jake is determined to find out but instead learns a secret he didn't want to know.
Hester90 is publicly shamed and shunned for a racial slur against another student.
Camille is pulled into the video game world that mirrors her fight against cancer.
A collection of plays that examine the impact of cancer as seen through the eyes of teenagers. Can be performed as a full length or one acts.
A group of teenagers grapple with unanswered questions as they try to understand why someone who has it all would kill themselves. Powerful monologues.
A competition-length version of Chicken. Road. by Lindsay Price
A Christmas collection like no other. Six short plays, all inspired by Christmas carols and can be performed as a full-length or individually.
A theatrical adaptation of a selection of Walt Whitman's civil war poems. See the words, the war, the blood come to life.
A theatrical adaptation of a selection of Walt Whitman's civil war poems. See the words, the war, the blood come to life.