Looking for a mix of drama and comedy? Check out these great options.
A modern adaptation of Sophocles' Antigone set in a high school.
A competition-length adaptation of Agatha Rex by Lindsay Price
This character-driven piece explores the most important relationships in life: friends, family, and love.
Madeline has body issues. So much so that her different body parts are coming to life and talking back. But Madeline is tired of feeling bad about her body.
Who lies at the bottom of the lake? An awesome combination of ghost stories, urban legends, teen issues, absurd comedy, and film noir, all in a single play!
A middle school vignette play about the boxes we find ourselves in.
Sometimes you need to leap without knowing what the outcome will be.
This vignette play asks students to look at the concept of what it means to be “good” and “bad.”
Ten interconnected vignettes with LGBTQ+ themes.
Seven strangers meet in a train station. Instead of luggage, they all carry their "emotional baggage." The most unique play we sell - it has no dialogue.
Robots will always do their jobs better than real people. And rules are what make the Factory productive.
You should know right away that this is not a traditional adaptation of Little Women.
A play that forces us to consider the human side of the people we often dismiss.
On the first Christmas Eve, a shepherd meets an angel who states something miraculous is about to occur. The shepherd's wife has her doubts.
A teen transforms from shallow and selfish to giving and selfless. How did it happen? A wonderful holiday play inspired by The Gift of the Magi.
Can Stheno bring her sister Medusa back to life?
An inventive re-telling of the Grimms' fairy tale. Puppetry, percussive rhythms, twists in language, and unique characterizations.
Why aren't middle school students full of smiles, hugs and hi-fives? They’re too young to have problems.
This middle school vignette play examines self-image and appearance.